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11:00 AM: Yo ho, Yo ho...
Pirates of the Caribbean
Let's all dig up some booty!  Meet out front so that we can all ride together.

12:00 PM: Group Photo!
In front of the Castle

Wear your red shirt and say "Cheese!" This photo op is the place to see and be seen.

Lunch on Main
Immediately Following Group Photo, Plaza Inn, Main Street

Join us for the Plaza's famous Fried Chicken, succulent pot roast, or a simple salad as we dine alfresco.

4:30 PM: Get Whipped

Tropical Hideaway, Adventureland

Meet us in the shadow of the Tiki Room for some of the park's legendary Dole Whip (now in three flavors!) Grass skirts welcome!

10:00 PM Gay at the Grand
Hearthstone Lounge, Disney's Grand Californian Hotel, Free!

​Join us after fireworks for a relaxing way to end the day. Kick back and enjoy a cocktail at this unofficial gathering in the stunning Grand.

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